Excerpt | Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously, by Vlad Dolezal

The rain was pouring down as if a whole sea had evaporated then moved through the sky and decided to rain back down right in my city. I just came home from shopping, and the few minutes it took me to walk from the subway to my home got me pretty well drenched.

I had two choices. I could grab a quick hot shower, change into dry clothes, and enjoy listening to the rain. I kinda felt like doing that. Or, I could go back outside into the rain. I really felt like doing that.

For a few moments I struggled with thoughts like “Why the hell would I want to go outside?” and “What would people think if they saw me?”. Then I stopped myself. I realized all that’s just nonsense. And I told myself – “What the hell. I’m a man. I don’t need to have a REASON for what I do.“

See full post here.